Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lots of stuf to write today

So I am feeling like writing a real blog post today.

  1. Toronto Star wrote about Lost and 24 finale and I never expected a spoiler tag on printed edition of newspaper.
  2. The topic of summer snow camp was brought up in a conversation today. It is about snow sport camps in the west coast mountains. No, I am not that crazy yet. Or, rather, "hardcore".
  3. A couple of farewells in upcoming months. Kinds feel sad over that, one moving to Vegas and one to Seattle. :(
  4. They are adding keyboards to Rock Band 3. GF+DM+KBM+vocal session anyone?
  5. So hot last weekend. Two years ago it was snowing in the same weekend.
  6. Writing up a bucket list now.
That's all.

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